Today, I'm writing because my heart is very heavy for our nation. Fear and faith usually do not co-exist, but in a sense, they are both present in my heart right now. I fear for the future of our nation if our current course is not diverted and reversed. I have faith that, should Americans decide to turn from this current course, our future will be brighter than ever. Outside of the Bible, I cannot comprehend what is happening to our nation - or why. But within the pages of the Bible likes not only a plausible, but completely rational explanation. The Bible even explains why our nation - and our world - will not awaken to even examine the explanation it gives.
Our nation is a Constitutional Republic. However, the forces of liberalism are beginning to rise through academia and politics to the point of revolution - overturning our Constitutional republic into something more like a democratic socialism - which is really anarchy and cannot withstand the hypocrisy of such an arrangement.
Fueling this coming revolution is a devaluing of life: first the unborn, next the elderly, next those in authority. The French Revolution and the bloodthirsty mindset that accompanied and enabled it comes to mind. We are not far from that. It is more than political choices. It is a silencing of opposition while at the same time, throwing all caution to the gallows. Mindless, illogical approaches to everything in order to satisfy the selfish lusts and evil characters are the order of the day. Anyone or anything that would even cause pause to think is considered an assault on progress. But it is a progress toward self-destruction.
There was a recent episode on Animal Planet of the show called "Monsters Inside Me" where a young boy (7 or 8 years old) was consumed by a brain-eating amoeba. The amoeba entered through the nasal passages, and went straight to the brain, consuming the cells one by one. Ninety-eight percent of patients infected by this amoeba die. Why? Because the body's natural defenses are not allowed to cross the "blood-brain barrier." Natural defenses of reason, logic, compassion, and discussion are not allowed to cross the "politically correct" barrier in our society, allowing the parasitic liberal ideology to consume our country one young person at a time until the entire student body is devastated and unable to cope. Soon, there's nothing left but death in its wake.
Our nation survived this before. In the 1960's & 70's, the liberal movement rose to a clamor, but was suppressed by those in authority. With that failure, the movement simply went underground. Now, those in authority ARE those who failed in the 60's and 70's. So when the liberal academics instigate a new generation of people to rise up, the authorities encourage it rather than stand against it.
We, who see what is happening, must take a stand with our children or we have little hope in the future. Our stand is truly the gospel of Jesus Christ. We have to return to the Bible. The hope of mankind is a hope that gives us peace on earth, and the assurance that Divine Judgment has already been passed, whereby our sins were laid on Jesus at the Cross of Calvary. Our hope is that we who follow Christ, will not fear death, but live in faithful, courageous obedience to Christ in a time when the flesh is ruling the world. Our hope is that, when our bodies are allowed to perish, our souls will live forever with our Savior who promised such to us. Our stand is not a war of guns, but a war of the spirit. Our weapons are not bullets, they are Truth and Righteousness. Our shield is faith, and our Swords are Scripture. Great is the Faithfulness of the Lord. Our nation is facing the turmoil and devastation that naturally results when the Living God of Heaven is denied so violently. His glorious nation has turned her backs on Him, and He on her. Let us fall prostrate again at the feet of Christ in humble repentance, and again submit ourselves to His ways, and we will be lifted out of this chaos into peace and hope!
Yes, As I See It, Fear and Faith CAN coexist in a single heart. Let's all start to fear our future unless our Faith becomes our present!
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