Tuesday, February 16, 2016


America is in a war.  It's getting rather un-civil these days.  Perhaps the fight isn't as uncivil as the things for which we fight.  This is a spiritual war, to be sure.  And it is all about the "right" (not freedom) to be uncivil.  For instance, the rights being demanded on one side alone are wicked - and deadly.  Abortion.  Euthanasia.  Cop-killing.  Rape.  Etc.

I know, you say the last two are not what people are fighting for.  But is that really the case?  Aren't people, by using these methods and demanding impunity for them, fighting for the right to practice them toward whomever they choose at the moment?  Right now, it's in vogue to kill cops and rape conservative women.  Muslims demand to be able to rape any non-Muslim woman they choose.  Yes, this is all pretty uncivil. 

But to make matters worse, protections are being stripped away.  The death of Justice Antonin Scalia, America's staunchest advocate for constructionist interpretation of the Constitution, removed a huge pillar of protection in the fabric of American government.  Rumors of foul play surround his death - and for good reason.  The timing, the actions taken since his death, and the political goals of his adversaries have converged to tell a story that deserves investigation, yet receives cover-up.  If he was murdered, the un-civil war has reached new heights (or lows).  Protections at the nation's highest court are lost as the balance of the justices swings decidedly left in his absence.  Accountability toward those who will use any means of thuggery to advance their agendas (as opposed to legal, above board means) disappears.  And the un-civil war rages on. 

It might seem like this battle is lost.  Indeed, insofar as life on earth is concerned, it may be.  But that doesn't mean Christians should give up.  Our prayers for revival have been answered.  It is not going to happen.  However, that doesn't mean our friends and neighbors won't turn to Christ, won't be saved, and won't die hopelessly like the rest of America.  It does mean that the battle will be costlier toward Christians.  Rather than simply being marginalized, we will be attacked.  We won't just be ostracized, we will be persecuted.  Eventually, we will be hunted for extermination as in the Middle East and Africa today. But, we don't fear those who can kill the body - we fear the one who can kill the body AND the soul!  For those who don't know, that's God!  We fear God. 

The un-civil life America has chosen will be our nation's doom - and that is God's declaration, not mine.  It might not be popular, but it is powerful - because God is all-powerful.  Unbelief doesn't make it go away or stop it from happening.  God has already declared the condition of the end, and America is making that happen - even as we slide further from civilization into an uncivil society.  God said, "Sin is a reproach to any nation."  Our land won't heal because the only hope of healing comes from God - and we have rejected that course of action.  Rather than move toward civility, we move toward un-civility.  And the war to do so rages - with all forces arrayed against all who would oppose that move. 

Christians, our answer is not in our government.  It lies with our God.  Our hope is not in revival, but in the resurrection.  Earthly life will not get better.  But Eternal life will.  We must look forward, and live above our circumstances until the day of redemption arrives.  It will come.  The author of our faith - Jesus Christ - will also finish it in His perfect time.  Until that day, let us stand up and serve Him today!

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