Catch phrases abound
in our day. After all, Political
Correctness depends upon it, as the PC police decry certain words and
"suggest" better choices which are supposed to tend to the
"sensitivities" of others.
Among those catch-phrases is the term progress, the label progressive,
and the moral revolution that such "progress" is intended to bring
about (or is it the moral revolution that brings about the progress?).
My focus today is on
the signs of "progress" the moral revolutionaries celebrate - and the
socially destructive power their "progress" brings on us all. I am not simply a "conservative" or
a "Christian" trying to preserve the old. I am a conservative AND a Christian, but I am
trying to show that what the liberal, progressive, moral revolutionaries
suggest to be "good" for our society are actually more like Trojan
Horses, filled with crippling, killing forces that are unleashed on our
- Gun Control. This one is simple - you have a gun, you can defend yourself. You have a phone, and you're dead before the ones with the guns can get to you. Crime done. Cost to society: One less law-abiding citizen, one more criminal (to consume precious time, funds, and energy in the capture and housing in jail - complete with medical care, food, and a token employment for life (in the case of murder).
- Abortion. Even the pro-abortionists (who like a more progressive term, "pro-choice") have to admit that when the attention is on the "fetus" (Latin for "baby"), suddenly their arguments become very selfish and immoral. The destruction is huge - and the cost to society. Every abortion is the end of a life. Society may not count that life as something valuable - until the sheer number of lives lost impacts the society. Sociologists and Psychologists may not think there is an issue there, but the cost to mothers who have aborted their babies is growing with each abortion. Either there is a cold-hearted attitude that values no life at all (in the case of the "unaffected" mother with no problems incurred from murdering their unborn children) or the guilt, shame, and depression that comes from abortion in the feeling hearts of mothers is a real cost to society. Hard-heartedness or guilt-ridden mothers are the only two outcomes - and the social implications are staggering when the numbers are counted.
- Same-Sex Marriage. This form of "progress" is really a social construct based on license, rather than self-control. It is legalized debauchery, and runs counter to social stability. It's all about "self" and less about love. Marriage, by the way, isn't just about love, either. However, same-sex marriage destroys the society. Two men or two women cannot procreate. They must steal from those who do - by some means. Eventually, should enough same-sex marriages take the culture, the society cannot maintain. This is already happening in the USA with the degraded view of traditional marriage found in other forms such as cohabitation, later pregnancies, and abortion (above).
- Secularism. The idea that religion has no place in the public square is secularism. Eventually, the concept moves to the point where no mention of God, the Bible, or any product of faith is tolerated in public - anywhere. This is the ultimate aim of the secularist. This will destroy a society that hopes to have peace among its people. The moral ambiguity of the secularist cannot help but turn one selfish secularist against another when those desires collide. After all, peaceful relationships and tolerance come from the Christian worldview - the Bible. That must be abdicated at all costs. It is happening in our nation in so many ways, but the removal of the 10 Commandments from courts and prayer/Bible studies in the classrooms are creating a lawless society.
These four
"Trojan Horses" of progress are killing our country, our communities,
and our families. This is NOT
progress. It is Destruction. And that's how it is - As I See It.
Before you write this article off as another
"stupid conservative Christian's rant," consider whether these things
be so. If they are, then share it with
Your comments are
always appreciated, but I ask that you refrain from hateful, vitriolic speech,
foul language, and intolerance. Thanks.
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