Let's be clear, and let's be honest about this issue. It's really about life and death, not about choice. Why do I say that? Because the "choice" is whether to kill the baby or let it live. And, by the way, if it's a fetus and not a baby, then, well, let's put it this way, if it's not a baby, you're not pregnant!
I know the pro-choice group is trying to frame the argument in such a way as to get the world to have compassion on the mother. The problem is that there's either the elitist mother - who gets to "choose" whether to "want the baby" ("be willing" to endure the pregnancy to term), or to "terminate the pregnancy" (kill the baby). That's really all the choice there is. There is no other. Period.
Therefore, the mother is the elite one, getting to live her life for herself while murdering her growing baby, or there is equality in the sight of the law, whereby the right to life applies to everyone. Period. When the humanity of the baby comes into the argument, suddenly the elitist attitude of the pro-choice promoters becomes apparent. After all, why are women the elite, getting to life freely, while their babies are butchered, not getting to live at all?
Who should ever have the right to kill another? The State - in the case of rendering justice to criminals. We call that capital punishment. But no one else. These babies did nothing wrong, nothing against society. Too often, it's the indiscretion of the mother (and a guy somewhere) that brought this baby into being. If anything, that indiscretion should mandate the babe be born alive and she pay for her indiscretion by caring for someone other than herself for about 18 or so years. She certainly should not be "off the hook" for her indiscretion and allowed to do another wrong - murder. Two wrongs don't make a right.
But not all pregnancies are the result of indiscretions, that's for sure. There is only one other reason, however, to allow an abortion. I've heard all the arguments: financial hardship, drug abuse, rape, incest, or "for the life of the mother." Some of these are well-framed into heart-tugging stories. The strongest are the latter three - rape, incest, or "the life of the mother". These are rare, however. And in the case of rape or incest, is murder the answer? Again, two wrongs don't make a right. In the last, the life of the mother, the choice of who lives, mom or baby, can be tough. There are plenty of arguments on either side, neither of which may be morally superior to the other in any way. Tough call. I'd have to make that one on a case-by-case basis.
But my argument today, in this blog, is more about the unfettered "right" to abortion - to choice - our country seems bent on. It is an unfettered right to kill a baby, any baby, for any reason, at any point in the pregnancy, simply because the elitist mother no longer wants it. That's murder, however you parse the morality. A life is taken by another. This should not be legal under any circumstance. It's legalized murder.
I haven't even gone to the Biblical basis for my arguments. I simply appeal to the clear, universal understanding that murder is wrong in any society. It was wrong for Hitler, and the world stopped him. It's wrong for America, and those who oppose it do well to get the law changed, and stop those who practice or promote it.
The arguments for equality are this: Baby and mother are both lives. Both deserve to live. Pro-life means just that. It's not complicated. It's not a war on women. It's not chauvinism. It's equality. And that word is a politically correct term these days. Pro-Life is, therefore, politically correct. Murder is ALWAYS wrong, and it is elitist to think otherwise!
And that's the abortion argument AS I SEE IT. Your comments are always welcome - as long as you can be respectful.
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